NSS Seattle

Seattle Chapter
National Space Society

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Astronomy Picture of the Day (NASA)


Hubble Space Telescope (NASA)


European Space Agency

Welcome to the Web site for the Seattle Chapter of the National Space Society.

Our chapter mission is to facilitate space activism and all pro-space activities, and to provide a gathering place for space enthusiasts to meet and exchange information and ideas.


Chapter meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the second Sunday of each month at the Museum of Flight at Boeing field. Meetings are held in the Red Barn classroom (basement). For directions, see http://www.museumofflight.org/directions.

NSS Seattle meetings are free and open to the general public.  Soft drinks and snacks are served.

Next meeting: 2d Sunday of each month, Jan - Dec  2017 7:00 PM 

Our Speakers, vary

Meetings are casual and free.  


Please visit our Facebook page for our recent information, National Space Society Seattle.


Previous meetings:


Things haven't been fully updated here for a while here - we continue to have meetings the 2d Sunday of every month.

As past examples: We met September 8th, 2013 and had Adam Hadaller speak about his work at Spaceflight Services Inc. And on August 11th, 2013 we had a talk titled "Sunlight from Space Mirrors at Dawn and Dusk" by Lew Fraas.

October 9, 2011: The group watched a video posted on Wired.com of a demonstration of a drilling mechanism "How to Anchor an Asteriod." JPL Engineer Aaron Parness and others are developing a robot gripper capable of "holding on" to uneven surfaces, such as an asteroid.

September 2011: For our September 11 meeting, NSS Seattle welcomed Rodney Kendrick, who spoke about a commercial return to the moon. Rod discussed how we can return to the Moon with already-existing (or soon to exist) hardware and reach the level of the Apollo missions - or even better – before the end of this decade. Rod also discussed how we will reach the moon, this time to stay. The talk was recorded and is available for viewing. Contact the NSS President Chris Vancil at nssseattle@yahoo.com.

April 2011: Our Sunday April 10th meeting was a celebration of "Yuri's Night." We celebrated the anniversaries of Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space (1961), and the first space shuttle launch  - Columbia (1981).  We also viewed a collection of historic videos.

December 2010: In addition to the chapter's 2010 holiday party, we also discussed the recent findings of the GFAJ microbe, which can survive on arsenic instead of phosphorus. We also discussed the Air Force X-37B space plane, which landed in early December after 7 months in orbit. 

November 2010: During our Mars Movie Festival, we watched videos of Mars missions and footage of the surface of Mars from the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.


October 2010: Fresh from the teacher workshop Alien Safari! Using Extremeophiles to Excite Students and meet State Science Standards, Susan and Gary Harrison brought a NASA video that provided background information on extremeophiles - forms of life that live in extreme environments. These life forms demonstrate possible ways that life could exists on other planets. By learning more about extremeophiles, we learn more about how to detect possible extraterrestrial life forms.

NSS Seattle Announcements and Discussion List

The NSS Seattle discussion list is open to all space enthusiasts. To join, click here.

NSS Seattle Announcements is an information only posting of regional space-related events. To subscribe, click here.





Curiousity Rover exhibit, Seattle Museum of Flight 
May 6, 2010



NSS Seattle members (from left): Goodspaceguy, Chris Vancil, Curtis Snow, David Stuart, and Donna Gordon










Did you know...

That NSS members can join the NASA Federal Credit Union?







All content (c) the Seattle Chapter of the National Space Society. All rights reserved.
For permission to use content, contact the
Seattle Chapter.
The Space Needle is a registered trademark of the Space Needle Corporation and is used with permission.